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  3. Are there any ZTF Books for FREE?

Are there any ZTF Books for FREE?

Yes! We have 3 titles of Prof. Zacharias Tanee Fomum’s books that are FREE in all formats (eBook, audiobook, and print). Use the links below to download the eBook/audiobook versions

ZTF books in PDF!
We do not distribute Prof. Fomum’s book in PDF format (or any rich text format). If you find any out there,  know that it is not from us. These are pirated copies.



The Christian and Money



Who is Truly a Disciple of the Lord Jesus ?


God’s Love and Forgiveness


Discipleship at any Cost

These titles are also available in other languages:
  • Spanish
  • Chinese
  • Russian
  • etc
Updated on juillet 6, 2023

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